Many of the features available in the full FactSage package have been removed or diluted. The programs are offered for demonstration purposes only. The FACT-Web programs offer free but very limited interaction with FactSage: This service may be discontinued at any time without notice. For detailed information on the various databases see the Database Documentation Users have access to databases of thermodynamic data for thousands of compounds as well as to evaluated and optimized databases for hundreds of solutions of metals, liquid and solid oxide solutions, mattes, molten and solid salt solutions, aqueous solutions, etc. Win offered a fully integrated thermochemical database system that coupled proven software with self-consistent critically assessed thermodynamic data. Some of the FactSage modules (Equilib, Phase Diagram, OptiSage) employ the Gibbs energy minimizer of ChemSage. It consists of a series of modules that access and manipulate thermodynamic databases and perform various calculations. FactSage is the fusion of two software packages in the field of computational thermochemistry: FACT-Win (formerly FACT) and ChemSage (formerly SOLGASMIX).